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A Look at Where We’ve Come from and Where We’re Going at VRM
With our expanding web presence underway, we felt that now is the perfect time to reflect on how far we’ve come as a company. It all started in 1946, when Von Ruden Manufacturing Company (VRM) got our start in Claremont, MN, producing drive components.
VRM moved to Owatonna, MN and continued production of bevel gearboxes and related drive components, including hydraulic pumps.
Decades later, in the late 1970s, we were purchased by Washington Scientific (WSI) and moved to Long Lake, MN to be integrated into a Power Components division.
Then, in 1989, VRM returned to its family-owned status and again changed our name, this time to Von Ruden Manufacturing, Inc. Al Anderson purchased the operating division known as Power Components from Washington Scientific (WSI) and moved the new company to Buffalo, MN.
The company was and is still proud to offer complete lines of hydraulic motors, gear boxes, brakes and overhung load adapters. Throughout all of the changes over time, our commitment to quality has never faltered. Instead, we have continued to grow our capabilities to match evolving needs.
With investment into the latest technologies utilizing live tooling, VRM soon found that providers of such tooling did not have an offering or a support network to satisfy our manufacturing operations. This led us to enter the machine tool market for driven tooling in 1999 in order to satisfy our own requirements while increasing our capabilities for other manufacturers.
In 2012, Brandon Anderson took over operations as President and he continues to work on the next chapters of the Von Ruden story. Take a look around — you might be surprised at all the places you’ll find Von Ruden products. And when you do find them, feel free to let us know by taking a picture and sharing it with us on Twitter! We love to see our work in action.
And for our on-the-go audiences, VRM has released the VRMinc app, now available via Google play and iTunes. Download this free app for access to company and product information straight from your mobile devices no matter where you are.
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